Equine Foundation North & South Island |
EQUINE FOUNDATION COURSES are two days' duration - $345.
Facilitators: Camille Nelson, Scott Baker, Greg Jamieson, Jacqueline Harper, Lisa Bishop, Aaron Ellis, Brock van Leeuwen. See course dates below.
The Equine Foundation Course covers -
A simple and efficient way of working with horses to relieve pain, stress and tension in the body, and for those who are interested in developing their foundational understanding of ConTact C.A.R.E and the Flinchlock Release Method. The course is also for animal and human health professionals interested in a new approach to working with impact injuries which will complement their clinical work. We provide the basic knowledge and practical skills of how to locate and release Flinchlocked bones. Application of ConTact C.A.R.E in relation to horses and the basics for starting work with unresolved impact injuries safely and effectively with horses, friends, family and pets.
Bookings are essential for all courses please contact us to make a booking! |