Training Courses Available |
ConTact C.A.R.E Flinchlock Release provides courses for people wishing to know a way of working with family, sport and work-related injuries, becoming practitioners and also an animal care course. * ConTact C.A.R.E Foundation * ConTact C.A.R.E Practitioners * Animal Care Course N.Z. Law dictates that all health professionals require 120 hrs. of Anatomy & Physiology training – ONLY this component can be done by correspondence as the student trains with ConTact C.A.R.E Flinchlock Release.
*Attend a minimum of 64 hrs. of Foundation courses. (It is advised that human training includes some hours of animal training).
*See 10 clients with follow-up sessions recorded on client sheets (20 treatments) between each Foundation course of which must be sighted by the Instructor. You will not be able to attend further Foundation courses until this has been fulfilled. I.e. a minimum of 40 clients with follow-ups is required to advance to the Practitioner Training Programme (80 treatments).
*Pass a Foundation assessment (with any Foundation Instructor) This assesses the student's understanding of the fundamentals of the formula as well as the 'quality' of the application of the formula on the Instructor. Client sheets can be reviewed at this time.
If then, this is not to a satisfactory level, you will be required to do further Foundation hours and client sheets at the discretion of your assessor.
When competent at Foundation level, you can begin the Practitioner Training Programme of which there will be one intake per year.
Bookings are essential for all courses, please contact us to make a booking. |
ConTact C.A.R.E Practitioners |
ConTact C.A.R.E Flinchlock Release is ever evolving. The Practitioner course is under permanent peer review.
The Practitioner course teaches you how to explain yourself.
Year 2 - One intake per year (March). This covers - - Cranial-Interconnected Relationships - Extremities. This Extremities course is the pre-requisite to the Skeletal Self-Defence Systems courses which follow.
- CC Skeletal Self-Defence Systems - these 3 courses cover how the 6 ConTact C.A.R.E Charts are used that are the Maps of the Skeletal Self-Defence Systems. These Systems support the normal function of the B.O.S.S. However, when they are in flinchlock contraction, these same systems can contort and disrupt.
- Practitioner Skills
Year 3 Bone-Organ Support System (BOSS)
This provides the understanding of the interconnected Bone-Organ Support System. The B.O.S.S. Charts are presented in their COMPLEMENTARY OPPOSITES.
(1) Lung/Lge Intestine Stomach/Spleen Heart/Small Intestine
(2) Bladder/Kidney Pericardium/Triple Warmer Gallbladder/Liver
- 4 Evaluations with qualified Practitioners who are working in an established clinic.
- Evaluation with Kym
- Evaluation with Dale
In addition, the student will have -
300 Client sheets - completed an Anatomy & Physiology Course (by correspondence). This can begin at any time throughout the training programme.
The Training Programme is expected to take 3 years to complete.
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Equine Foundation North & South Island |
EQUINE FOUNDATION COURSES are two days' duration - $345.
Facilitators: Camille Nelson, Scott Baker, Greg Jamieson, Jacqueline Harper, Lisa Bishop, Aaron Ellis, Brock van Leeuwen. See course dates below.
The Equine Foundation Course covers -
A simple and efficient way of working with horses to relieve pain, stress and tension in the body, and for those who are interested in developing their foundational understanding of ConTact C.A.R.E and the Flinchlock Release Method. The course is also for animal and human health professionals interested in a new approach to working with impact injuries which will complement their clinical work. We provide the basic knowledge and practical skills of how to locate and release Flinchlocked bones. Application of ConTact C.A.R.E in relation to horses and the basics for starting work with unresolved impact injuries safely and effectively with horses, friends, family and pets.
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Equine Practitioner North & South Island |
The Equine Practitioner Course covers -
ConTact C.A.R.E Equine Practitioner courses are for foundation level students who are in the process of gaining their equine practitioner qualification, or already qualified human and/or equine practitioners who would like further learning working with horse injuries, trauma and/or performance issues to a more efficient level. Equine Practitioner courses develop an advanced understanding of ConTact C.A.R.E and the Flinchlock Release Method for Equines. Courses are part of the Equine Practitioner Training Programme and each course offers a different aspect relative to Practitioner level training. The course aims to give a sound knowledge of the ConTact C.A.R.E System Charts, their function and their effect on the body's interconnected skeletal system when flinchlocked. Participants will gain practical effective skills, the awareness of full treatment protocols and a knowledge of what conditions can be treated. Covering horse & rider pressure release, gear relativity and First Aid for the horse & rider situation.
Each Year a Practitioner Skills weekend is available for - Students ready for assessment to become fully qualified Practitioners; Practitioners who are already qualified and want to stay refreshed with the latest techniques and knowledge; Human Senior Practitioners who would like to up-skill their equine knowledge. They are for gaining an understanding of the levels of injury being effective and efficient when working with horses with stress, trauma and/or performance issues at these levels and to up-skill with the latest techniques to develop an in-depth understanding of Equine ConTact C.A.R.E. Courses are part of the Practitioner Training Programme and student practitioners are able to have assessment for certification on this weekend.
The ConTact C.A.R.E Equine Practitioner qualification requires the following:
*4 Foundation level courses, or the equivalent of 60 hrs. foundation level training in either equine, human or combination courses. *A Foundation level assessment. *40 hrs. of recorded practical work.
Once foundation level training has been completed, the attendance of the following leads to the full Equine Practitioner qualification:
*4 Practitioner level courses. *1 Practitioner Skills weekend. *80 hrs. of recorded practical on top of the 40 hrs. of foundation practical, total of 120 hrs. *3 case studies. *Anatomy & Physiology - Equine. *2 successful assessments from Camille Nelson and Dale Speedy.
ConTact C.A.R.E Equine - Advanced Practitioner
To be a ConTact C.A.R.E Equine Advanced Practitioner, the Practitioner needs to fulfill the following requirements -
*Be practising only ConTact C.A.R.E and working full-time in this capacity. *Be working with horses consistently on a regular basis and able to show 500+hrs. of practical. *Have 20 case studies. *Show an in-depth understanding of Hippology, in any aspect. *Have attended a current Practitioner Skills day within the last 3 yrs. *Is awarded the qualification at the discretion of Camille Nelson.
For information on Equine Practitioner Training please contact Camille Nelson at info@epona.co.nz or visit www.equinecontactcare.co.nz
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